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Water BirthJune 30, 2020

Water birth is the process of giving birth in water using a deep bath or birthing pool. The theory behind water birth is that since the baby has already been in the amniotic fluid sac for nine months, birthing in a similar environment is gentler for the baby and less stressful for the mother. Moms who desire natural childbirth—one without medication or epidurals—sometimes choose water birth because it can provide "a gentle, natural experience"

An uncomplicated pregnancy (low blood pressure, over 37 weeks gestation, baby with a head down, etc.) is required for a water birth. "High-risk conditions or complications in labor often necessitate continuous fetal monitoring or immediate intervention, which is better accomplished outside of the water. The waterbirth advocates claim the warm water helps to ease the pain of contractions and that having a water birth makes the mother feel more relaxed and comfortable which results in a calmer breathing rhythm.  The buoyancy of the water makes you feel lighter and enables you to get into more comfortable positions for the final stages or keeping you more upright - which gives you the advantage of working with gravity as your baby is born.

Babies have a natural ‘dive reflex’ whereby they close their airway and do not take a breath while underwater, so you need not worry she is going to swallow a big mouthful of your pool water as she emerges.  Babies born into warm water often appear far more relaxed and often don’t even cry until they are dried and air hits their cheeks. It is thought that the pool feels like the comforting waters of your womb to your baby. Supporters of birthing pools believe that the transition to the outside world is less traumatic for babies who are born in water.

Experts believe that babies are only at risk of inhaling water if: 

·         their head is brought to the surface before the rest of their body is born, overriding their dive reflex

·         their oxygen supply via the placenta is affected in some way

There is no statistical evidence that there is any more risk of an infection with water-birth. Hospitals are meticulous when cleaning pools after every water birth and do regular checks to ensure that the pool is left hygienic after use.

There are several reasons why you may have to give up on water-birth and resort to a conventional setting. If your contractions are too strong for you and the birthing pool is not making you relax then you may have to give it up and have another pain relief option such as TENS, pethidine, or an epidural.

You may have complications. You will be asked to leave the pool if:

·         your labour is progressing too slowly

·         There is a problem with your baby’s heartbeat

·         you start bleeding during labour

·         your blood pressure is raised

·         If you feel faint or drowsy

Remember your midwives are trained to deal with emergencies and will get you out of the pool quickly if necessary. In a hospital, a bed will be ready for you in case you need it and at home, you should have your bed prepared in case you have to give up your water birth plan. Your midwife will also monitor your baby during your labour with a waterproof device to make sure she's getting enough oxygen and that it’s safe for you to continue in the water. Your midwife will monitor you throughout your time in the pool using all her experience as she watches you, talks to you, and keeps an eye on your progress tone. Your blood pressure and temperature will be checked regularly and you may have an internal examination. This can be done while you are in the water, or your midwife may ask to do one after you have been to the toilet, while you are out of the pool.

As the baby is lifted from the water by your midwife special care will be taken not to pull on the cord, just in case, the cord is shorter than normal. Some doctors and midwives have commented on how calm babies are after being born in water crying less than babies born in the air, appearing more relaxed, eager to have eye contact with their mothers, and to suckle.

Pregnancy changes your body in more ways than you might expect, and it doesn't stop when the baby is born. Your body has just done one of the most remarkable things it will ever do: grow another human being. After 9 months of waiting, you are probably excited to finally be home with your new baby. Much of your focus and energy during the coming weeks and months will be on baby but remember that you also need to take care of yourself, too. Your postpartum recovery won’t be just a few days. Fully recovering from pregnancy and childbirth can take months. While many women feel mostly recovered by 6-8 weeks, it may take longer than this to feel like yourself again. During this time, you may feel as though your body has turned against you. Try not to get frustrated. Remember that your body is not aware of your timelines and expectations. The best thing you can do for it is rest, eat well, and give yourself a break.

We at My Womb Maternity Care understands the physical &mental  trauma the mother goes through. Our Postpartum care package is designed to improve the emotional & physical health. Special massages increase blood flow across her body and hence improves the distribution of oxygen. Our Post Delivery Care package helps the mother to Recoup fast, Refresh & Rejuvenate during the postpartum period. My Womb Maternity Care’s Post  Delivery Care package is available all across the urban parts of Kerala including Ernakulam, Cochin, Aluva, Thripunithura, Kaloor, Kakkanad, Edapally, etc

Namitha Sreeram